The colours seemed so bright and cheerful that they'd be good in a Get Well card.
In this close-up, you can see the effect I was aiming at - giving some 3-D to the lettering, which is not so obvious in the above photo. The other technique that I used from the video was to remove the embossing with an iron after sponging to leave a smooth, matte area behind. It's quite a nice effect. The third thing that I tried out, and worked the best it ever has for me, is to mask off part of the stamp so the one stamp was used in two parts: the front and the inside. All in all, this card was a bit of an experiment but it still turned out to be cheerful enough to use. The twine is my touch of Kraft/Crumb Cake.
Update: Unbelievably delighted to be a Winner at Global Design Project.
Card: Bermuda Bay, Whisper White
Stamps: Wild about Flowers, Fabulous Four
Inks: Bermuda Bay, Daffodil Delight, Tuxedo Black, Versamark
Other: Linen twine, Clear embossing powder, White embossing powder, sponges, iron.
This is so pretty! The sponging is just perfect over the top of the embossed flower. Love the linen thread bow to "tie" things together. Thanks for playing the Create with Connie and Mary color challenge this week!
ReplyDeleteLove this - what a great use of colour and successful trial of the techniques. A lovely card.
Very pretty! love the technique and you did a great job. You did a wonderful job with the color challenge. Thank you for spam;ping along with the Create with Connie and Mary Challenge
ReplyDeleteWow Jan I just love everything about this card. I'm going to have to try out the lettering technique - it looks fabulous. Thank you for playing along with us at Create with Connie & Mary this week! :-)
ReplyDeleteCool techniques, and I love how your colors blend where they come together- very pretty! Thank you for joining us at Create with Connie and Mary!
ReplyDeleteSuch a pretty card! Your colours are beautifully blended and I love the way you then reversed your design on the inside of your card. Thanks for joining us over at Create With Connie and Mary this week!
ReplyDeleteSimply sweet with your coloring and image choice! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us over at Create With Connie & Mary!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! I love all the techniques...especially ironing off the embossing powder! Great effect! Thanks for playing along with the color challenge this week on Create with Connie and Mary!