Thursday 8 July 2021

A further update for my email subscribers

 Dear Crafting Friends,

Firstly, thank you to the hundreds of you that follow my blog and have subscribed by email so that you never miss a new post. I really appreciate it and the many kind comments you leave.

Now that Feedburner, the original subscription service you subscribed to, has ceased you will have noticed a new look to the emails you get.

The new service is called In order to keep receiving the emails, you do have to click on the accept message. This is because your email address was migrated from the old service to the new and they are making sure that you want to continue with your subscription.

This is what you should see at the head of the first email from the feed. 

NOTE: Do not click the links in this image as they don't work. Do it in the actual email you received.

If you do not already follow me, or you cannot confirm, you can always sign up (again) using the 'Subscribe by email' widget in the sidebar of this blog.

Make sure to confirm so that you don't miss anything! You only have to do this once. 

Kind regards,



  1. I am unable to confirm. The link just enlarges the words and does nothing more.

    1. Hi Wanda. If you clicked on the image in the blog post, it will enlarge and the links will not be active. My mistake - I should have said that the above image is what you will see at the head of the first email you receive via If you go back to the actual email you received, try clicking the link there. If your email does not have this information, but you are still getting emails from my blog, then you have probably already done it. I hope this helps. If not, please get back to me. Or you could try signing up again using the widget in the sidebar if that fails.

  2. Tried confirming and it just makes the screen larger and clicking again makes it back to normal. Not sure what I'm suppose to do to continue receiving your emails.

    1. Hi Cyndy. If you clicked on the image in the blog post, it will enlarge and the links will not be active. My mistake - I should have said that the above image is what you will see at the head of the first email you receive via If you go back to the actual email you received, try clicking the link there. If your email does not have this information, but you are still getting emails from my blog, then you have probably already done it. I hope this helps. If not, please get back to me. Or you could try signing up again using the widget in the sidebar if that fails.
